Data Sources

News & Analysis

“Victories in Iowa: Public Sector Teamsters Stand Up to Anti-Union Efforts,” Teamster, 2018.

“Here’s what happened to teachers after Wisconsin gutted its unions,” CNN Money, 11/17/17.

“In biggest vote since new law, Iowa public unions overwhelmingly choose to recertify,” Des Moines Register, 10/25/17.

“Civil Service Commission votes to limit collective bargaining for state workers,” Lansing State Journal, 9/21/17. Lafer, Gordon,

“Attacks on public-sector workers hurt working people and benefit the wealthy,” Economic Snapshot, Economic Policy Institute, 4/19/17.

“City may eliminate retiree health benefits for new hires,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12/7/16.

“For Unions in Wisconsin, a fast and hard fall since Act 10” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, multipart series, 2016.

“Wisconsin has seen largest middle-class decline of any state, study finds,” Wisconsin Public Radio, 4/2/15.

“Plan calls for no across-the-board raises for state workers,” Journal Sentinel, 6/23/15.’

“City of Madison, employees union strike deal,” Wisconsin State Journal, 9/23/12. Lafer, Gordon,

“The One Percent Solution: How Corporations and Remaking America One State at a Time,” Cornell University Press, 2017.

Data Sources

There is good data about the compensation of public sector workers in Wisconsin since the passage of Act 10 (2011). The Calculator uses this data to measure the difference a strong union contract can make.

Agreement between City of Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin Municipal Employees Local 60, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, various years.

Agreement between City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee District Council 48, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, various years.

Agreement between City of Milwaukee and Technicians, Engineers and Architects of Milwaukee, various years.

Budget, City of Madison, various years.

It’s Your Choice, Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds, various years.

Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Memo to Representative Brett Hulsey, From Art Zimmerman, “Retirement and Health Insurance Contribution Increases for State Employees, 2011,” September 12, 2011.

Wisconsin Retirement System, Actuarial Valuations and Actuarial Experience Studies, various years.

Wisconsin Act 10 (2011).

Employees’ Retirement System, City of Milwaukee, Actuarial Valuation Report, various years.

City of Milwaukee, Department of Employee Relations, Health Plan Rate Chart, various years. City of Milwaukee, Department of Employee Relations, “Important information regarding pension contribution changes effective 2/1/15.”

“Current Healthcare Expenditures/Outlook, Reversing the Trend: $150 Million Avoided Expenditures,” 2017 Proposed Plan and Executive Budget Review, Legislative Reference Bureau, Milwaukee ERS.